I kept having issues with the background re-appearing in the animation regardless of the render out-put in Blender, so I eventually removed the background in After Effects:
Then I imported the raw animation into photoshop and layered, scaled and rotated the image in varying ways to create the final effect:
Finally (after spending hours sorting out my scratch disks) my final output as shown below:
I found the final output very interesting because what you see is the exact invert of what is in the photoshop file, the way the systems rotate seem to show the smallest ring in the centre of the image as the "top layer" with each larger ring descending below, however in actual fact the smallest ring is the bottom layer with each larger ring layering on top.
Now I am more comfortable in the software and processes required to make these types of animations, I will return to blender and work on the material properties to achieve a more desired output.