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  • Writer's pictureEloise Bray

Institute of Technical Textiles Massing Model - P02

Developing the model further - I was encouraged to think about what I imagine to be public and private - and the added complications of creating tiers around the proposed building to allow for an accessible roof space.

In addition - we were made aware of the revised site area and how that may affect our design, in response I scaled down the massing of the model.

Thinking about materiality of the building - I want to propose the use of bio-materials which could potentially be researched and developed within the proposed institute. As I want to create the impression of the building emerging from the earth whilst retaining the privacy of the occupants, I have reduced the tiers around the perimeter. Due to the nature of the proposals - I am still not 100% sure I am happy with the footprint and/or massing however this will be continually developed. One consideration I need to make is that the building needs to feel like it is embedded within the site and it's existing boundary along Gaswork Street and St Andrews Road, and maybe that is why I feel there may by a lack of rationalle.

I also want to include a first floor level and potentially sub-zero level as a way of experimenting with levels without proposing a building which I feel is disproportionate to the size of the available site - this however needs to be discussed with my tutors. I also mentioned that I felt torn between creating geometric shapes or organic forms as I feel both can relate to my project.

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