During the intestine writing session on Monday, I discussed my architectural machines further with Hyun - and I now understand that I need to integrate the idea of architecture within the machine rather than an 'architectural machine'.
Looking back at the air remediation machine, I felt encouraged to develop the form further by being experimental with the scale. I liked the varied components I had within the original design as well as the sources of inspiration of brass instruments.
I began a concept sketch of another architectural machine in the evening to develop further on Wednesday.
Experimenting with forms by using some of the components created in the air remediation machine combined with alternative shapes I have made for this exercise. It is still my vision to create structures which will allow vegetation to integrate itself onto how ever for rendering purposes this was not possible.
Layering the same component and rotating as it ascends, I have created an air remediation tower whose purpose is extracting polluted air within the site, filtering to toxins out and distributing the clean air throughout the site through a network of underground vents.
In order to create an image to display the form and purpose of the building in the way I had in mind, I have focused on only using one component to render whilst combining my skills of matte painting to create a final image which will hopefully be produced by tomorrow.