Manifold: /ˈmanɪfəʊld/
1. Collection of points forming a certain kind of set, such as those of a topologically closed surface or an analogue of this in three or more dimensions.
2. (Kantian philosophy) the sum of the particulars furnished by sense before they have been unified by the synthesis of the understanding.

Through discussions with tutors regarding my potential design thesis involving 4th and 5th dimensions of time and space in order to create zones suspended within these planes, I was advised to download and explore the "manifold gardens" - which I have done so on my mac.
As soon as I began the game, I was reminded of the dream scene in inception where the architect begins to bend and form the X,Y,Z planes within their dream world in order to form new spaces. Planes which could be read as a wall could be also considered the floor, in this world there is no "right way up" which is totally disorientating and disconnecting from reality.

Through exploring the game (and looking at game plays as I got stuck on a level rather quickly and could not progress further) - I considered the idea of my 5th dimensional space looking/feeling somewhat familiar to this game, were the X,Y,Z axis are not fixed and space and time are both 3 dimensional; thereby the user can travel amongst all of these dimensions.

Looking back to the formulations of "architectural machines" during MArch2; I am considering creating components which may be rotated, copied and linked together to create a tesseract of spaces similar to manifold gardens in order to begin the design process for my time observatory.
