As we progress through the Huddersfield Urban Study and are approaching the stage where we can begin to think about the over-all design, we first need to consider the importance of heritage within the site and whither there are any buildings or components we feel we should retain, as to keep select characteristics to the location.
Looking first at Historic England, we can see that there are 2 listed mills and associated buildings, as well as an additional 3 more listings to the south of the site, one being the canal basin and the other 2 being associated buildings.

After an online investigation and a quick site visit, we have found that the University of Huddersfield is in ownership of one of the listed buildings to the south
of the site whilst everything else is under private ownership. Turnbridge Mills are in a poor state of repair but are still functioning - we can only propose that they are repaired by the DDW machines in regards to our over-all speculative timeline. The associated buildings and structures to the listings will also be retained and made features out of throughout the proposed site.