During the second week of University, we began to look at the theories of Urban Design and the potential external influencing factors, I felt inspired by the images shown to us of Le-Corbusiers Ville Radieuse.
Once the session was over, I went to the library and took some books out of Le-Corbusiers completed and in-completed work but I mainly wanted to learn more about his theories and design drivers behind his concept of cities. I found the image above striking and somewhat drawn to it, maybe it's the scale in which the technological centre seems to dwarf the rest of the surrounding buildings as well as the central highway/circulation space creates a focal point in the image to the right.

I found it interesting that Le-Corbusier says “demographic expansion in the years immediately after (the war), rapid resumption of ever-increasing industrialisation, and the resulting phenomenon of the convergence towards metropolitan areas” - applying this theory to our Urban study of Huddersfield, we can observe the major residential development of surrounding villages of Huddersfield Town Centre such as Aspley and Mold Green within the first 5 years after world war 1 - “The peasant masses had suddenly become labourers and had arrived in the city with the immediate goal of regular wages and a housing system limited with the bare essentials”