Deriving from my interest of intergalactic universes such as the star wars realm, my topics of research relate to how the formation, arrival and maintenance of utopias and how these settings may be the beginning of the resolution of the climate crisis. By speculating theoretical societies and worlds, I can compare and research these additional technologies that exist in these spaces that can inspire resolutions to the real life "man made" environmental catastrophes.

The research title speculates the existence of a utopia without dystopian attributes and whither this is attainable. Relating to the star wars universe again, the titles acknowledges that social and political movements and regimes may have a direct correlation with the status of a utopic setting, and distribution of capitol.

Beginning to try and collaborate some topics of interest to form an interesting but precise research question which opens a topic of discussion with a wide field of opportunity for thorough research. I am going to re-word my research questions so they cannot simply be answered by "yes or no".

If I am to compare and research theoretical places such as Corcusant and Naboo, I need to ensure that I speculate universes where a wide range of literature, writing and information has already been published and widely distributed in order to collect and research a decent amount of data in order to inform my dissertation writing and conclusion.
